
Scientific committee

  • Marek Pruszyński, DSc

  • Renata Mikołajczak, Prof.

  • Frédéric Dollé, DSc

  • Kristiina Iljin, DSc

Organizing committee

  • Marek Pruszyński, DSc

  • Anna Krzyczmonik, PhD

  • Monika Madigan, BA

  • Gopi Elumalai, PhD

  • Karolina Zajdel, PhD

  • Marcin Zieliński, PhD


Marek Pruszyński studied chemistry (MSc specialization in analytical chemistry) at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at the University of Białystok in Poland. Since 2003, he works at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw, where in 2008 he obtained PhD degree (specialization radiochemistry), and in 2019 doctor habilitus (DSc) and became Head of the Laboratory of Radiopharmaceuticals and Cellular Research. Since May 2021, he is an Associate Professor at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Świerk-Otwock and Research Group Leader of the Novel Radiopharmaceuticals for Medical Application group at NOMATEN Centre of Excellence at NCBJ. His research interest focuses on design and synthesis of theranostic molecular radiopharmaceuticals for targeted personalized medicine via: i) exploring new production routes of commercial and also potentially applicable emerging radionuclides; ii) target’s material preparation and its irradiation in reactor or cyclotron, radiochemical separation of interested radionuclide and target material recovery; iii) labeling of biomolecules (monoclonal antibodies and their fragments, peptides etc) with radionuclides via chelators or prosthetic groups; iv) development of multimodal nanomaterials for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in medicine; v) preclinical in vitro and in vivo evaluation of developed compounds and materials. He co-authored over 30 full length journal papers cited over 1100 times. He has been also Principal Investigator of several projects funded by Polish agencies (NCN, NCBiR, NAWA), bilateral with Belgium and Czech Republic, as well as IAEA and EU COST. He received prestigious scholarships and awards from the Fulbright Commission, IAEA, Grzegorz Białkowski Award and Alavi-Mandell Award from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for the article published in Journal of Nuclear Medicine (2014).


Renata Mikołajczak, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Radioisotope Centre POLATOM

With over 30 years in radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical development, Renata Mikołajczak is currently coordinating the research activity of the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, National Centre for Nuclear Research in Poland. She is a professor of Medical Sciences and holds a Ph.D. in Physics and a DSc in Medical Biology. Since 2020 has served as a chair of the expert group, PRP Working Party - Precursors for Radiopharmaceutical Preparations, European Pharmacopoeia of EDQM. Organizer of multi-centre research teams, and collaborations both in Poland and internationally. IAEA expert and lecturer in Radiopharmacy and 2019-2021 a member of the IAEA’s Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Applications (SAGNA). Contributor to over 20 research grants on radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals, including PRISMAP ( and TOURR ( and the coordinator of the CERAD project with its 30 MeV cyclotron. Since October 1, 2022, she has been coordinating the SECURE project (


Frédéric Dollé completed his PhD (organic chemistry) in 1991 from Strasbourg University (France). He then moved to Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, to work for a pharmaceutical company (Rhône-Poulenc-Rorer, today SANOFI) for two years, before joining in 1993 the CEA and the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (Orsay, France). In 2000, he completed his HDR degree (habilitation à diriger des recherches, Paris-South University), and from 2000 to mid-2014, he was at Orsay in charge of the Chemistry / Radiochemistry section, a unit which supported all PET molecular imaging programs within the institute, before coordinating for another year, the newly created “Molecular Probes” team (as part of IMIV - Imagerie Moléculaire In Vivo - UMR1023), now also dealing with metabolism-related activities. For over 20 years, his research interests have focused on the development of radiotracers for in vivo molecular imaging using PET, as well as the development and application of novel methods for the synthesis of 11C/18F-labelled probes (225 scientific publications, 12 book chapters, 7 patents – 1 licensed). In 2015, he joined the governing board level of his institute (at this time, Institut d’imagerie biomédicale (I2BM)) as scientific assistant to the director, also in charge of the relations with the newly created Paris-Saclay University. In February 2017, I2BM and IBITEC-S - another CEA institute - merged into a novel structure - Institut des sciences du vivant Frédéric Joliot - in which he is also today in charge of the doctoral (PhD) program and the CEA expertise hub / career development program. Appointed Director of Research at CEA (2021), he is still involved in EU projects, notably the CSA action (teaming) NOMATEN (2019-2026, #763604), in which he coordinates WP6 actions when Radiopharmaceutical Sciences are concerned.


Kristiina Iljin has a MSc in Biology (Genetics, 1997) from University of Turku, Finland, and a PhD in Molecular Biology (2003) from University of Helsinki, Finland. She did her post-doctoral research at University of Zürich, Switzerland, focusing on childhood malignancies. She joined VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in 2005 and worked as a Team Leader of Cancer Systems Biology Team from 2009 to 2012. She spent a year as a Research Assistant Professor at Oregon Health and Science University, USA, where she learned about microscopy and drug resistance mechanisms. During the past ten years, she has been working on various antibody isolation and characterization projects at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. She currently leads the Immunotechnology team at VTT working on antibody discovery, immunoassay development, protein engineering and biosensor development. She has collaborated with several national and international teams and participated in multiple European projects, such as the EU-NOMATEN project on advanced materials for medical technology. She has 59 peer-reviewed publications (citations 3253, H-index 29) and 1 patent application.

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