20-21 May 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone


Dark Matter, Astrocent, KRAC

21 May 2019, 14:00


Dark Matter, Astrocent, KRAC

  • . . ()
  • Arthur McDonald (Queen's University)
  • Stavros Katsanevas (EGO)
  • Cristian Galbiati (Princeton University and GSSI)
  • Maciej Żylicz (FNP)

Presentation Materials

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L. Roszkowski
21/05/2019, 14:00
21/05/2019, 14:05
M. Żylicz (Foundation for Polish Science)
21/05/2019, 14:25
A. McDonald (Queen’s University)
21/05/2019, 14:45
S. Katsanevas (Director of European Gravitational Organisation and AstroCeNT International Scientific Committee chair)
21/05/2019, 15:20
C. Galbiati (Princeton University and GSSI)
21/05/2019, 15:35
L. Roszkowski
21/05/2019, 15:55
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