Using machine learning frameworks on LUMI

3 Jun 2024, 10:00


Maciej Szpindler (ACK Cyfronet)


LUMI is one of the largest European supercomputers and flagship EuroHPC systems. It is unified, heterogeneous computing infrastructure aiming at large, accelerated workflows. One of the key elements of its computing architecture is accelerator type and its programming environment. This half-day workshop is presenting typical transition steps from common clusters and cloud resources together with use cases with both traditional HPC workloads and fundamental elements for running large models with machine learning frameworks.

This part shows how to setup environment for AI workflows on a real supercomputing system. It combines common HPC tools with popular machine learning frameworks relying on GPU offloading and multiprocessing across multiple computing nodes.

Primary author

Maciej Szpindler (ACK Cyfronet)

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