LUMI: Europe's most powerful supercomputer

5 Jun 2024, 11:00
Invited Talk High Performance Computing High Performance Computing


Tomasz Malkiewicz (CSC / NeIC)


The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking has installed three leadership-class supercomputers. We will discuss one of these systems, LUMI, located in Kajaani, Finland. LUMI is currently the fastest supercomputer in Europe and in general one of the most powerful and advanced computing systems in the world. In this talk, I will present the technical architecture of the LUMI infrastructure and its status, together with plans and ambitions for the near future. Then, an overview of the scientific showcases and achievements from the first months of LUMI will be presented. These include, for example, contributions to the Destination Earth initiative, work on large language models and breakthroughs from extreme-scale computing capabilities in many fields of computational science.

Primary author

Tomasz Malkiewicz (CSC / NeIC)

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