Galaxies form from primordial density perturbations that stop expanding and pass through a turnaround epoch, at which curvature is strongly positive: about five times as strong as density, when both are expressed as domain-averaged $\Omega$s. Moreover, a tight relation is expected between curvature and the domain-averaged expansion rate prior to turnaround. The high number density of LSST...
I envisage to use LSST data for general large-scale structure studies, in particular within the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC). Particular applications may include: photometric redshift derivation, application of resulting catalogs for such studies as tomographic angular clustering, galaxy-galaxy lensing, cross-correlations with CMB lensing etc. Other possible topics of interest...
I would like to use the SED technique for selection of galaxies which do not follow the energy balance like super dusty galaxies or possible lensing objects.