14 March 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

LSST supernovae Ia and the turnaround epoch

14 Mar 2019, 15:00
Galaxies and cosmology Galaxies and cosmology


Prof. Boudewijn Roukema (Toruń Centre for Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University)


Galaxies form from primordial density perturbations that stop expanding and pass through a turnaround epoch, at which curvature is strongly positive: about five times as strong as density, when both are expressed as domain-averaged $\Omega$s. Moreover, a tight relation is expected between curvature and the domain-averaged expansion rate prior to turnaround. The high number density of LSST supernovae of type Ia that are followed up by spectroscopic redshifts should offer many opportunities for testing these two predictions of general relativity.

Primary author

Prof. Boudewijn Roukema (Toruń Centre for Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University)

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