19-23 September 2022
Banach Center IMPAN
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Electromagnetic and Gravitational Hopfion-like solutions in de Sitter spacetime

22 Sep 2022, 09:20
321 (Banach Center IMPAN)


Banach Center IMPAN

ul. Śniadeckich 8 00-656 Warszawa


Tomasz Smółka (University of Warsaw/AEI Max Planck)


Hopfions are a family of `solitonary’ field solutions which have non-trivial topological structure associated with Hopf fibration. I will present a generalisation of such solutions, based on conformal transformations, to de Sitter spacetime. Two physical applications of Hopfion-like solutions: electromagnetism and linear gravitation will be discussed.

Presentation Materials

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