14 March 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Minor Body Science in the LSST Era

14 Mar 2019, 14:40
Solar System Solar System


Michał Drahus (OA UJ)


Cataloging the Solar System is one of the main science themes that drive the LSST project. LSST is expected to discover ten times more objects from every minor body population than currently known, and provide hundreds of flux and color data for individual bodies. This will be a total game changer. On the one hand, transformative research will be done by the LSST community, but on the other hand, small body science will quickly fade in the communities having no access to these new discoveries and data. Our team wishes to join the LSST family and explore LSST data on every level. We will discuss examples of LSST-enabled minor body science based on (i) realtime alerts, (ii) daily orbit releases, (iii) annual catalog releases, and (iv) our own, customized deep stacks.

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