14 March 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Milky Way black hole population from lensing with the LSST

14 Mar 2019, 11:20
Galactic Science Galactic Science


Lukasz Wyrzykowski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory)


Microlensing is the only tool to discover and study a population of hidden dark compact objects, including neutron stars, black holes and even the primordial black holes which could form part of the dark matter. We will show how LSST will contribute to this topic, with long-term whole sky observations and depth. We will discuss the lessons learned from Gaia and OGLE surveys which can be applied to LSST.

Primary authors

Lukasz Wyrzykowski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory) Mrs Katarzyna Kruszynska (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory) Krzysztof Rybicki (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory) Dr Pawel Zielinski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory)

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