14 March 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Photometric Reverberation Mapping using LSST

14 Mar 2019, 12:50


Mr Swayamtrupta Panda (Center for Theoretical Physics - PAS)


An overview of our proposed project - Using a set of prepared AGN templates for a range of AGN parameters that are based on SED broadband modelling, we seek to calculate the contribution of the major lines (Hβ, Mg II, CIV) to the photometric channels, taking into account the Balmer continuum, FeII pseudo-continuum and other lines. The simulations will then be performed for representative objects using several cadences which are now under consideration. This method will improve the current standards of photometric reverberation method – using multi-channel and time-lag estimations from various methods.

Primary author

Mr Swayamtrupta Panda (Center for Theoretical Physics - PAS)


Prof. Bożena Czerny (Center for Theoretical Physics - PAS)

Presentation Materials

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