14 October 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone

LUMI: the EuroHPC pre-exascale system of the North

14 Oct 2021, 13:00
https://www.gotomeet.me/NCBJmeetings/uz2 (GTM)




Dr Tomasz Małkiewicz (CSC – IT Center for Science and Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC))


The EuroHPC initiative is a joint effort by the European Commission and partner countries to establish a world-class ecosystem in supercomputing to Europe (read more at https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu/). One of its first concrete efforts is to install the first three “precursor to exascale” supercomputers. Finland, together with 9 other countries from the Nordics and central Europe, will collaboratively host one of these systems in Kajaani, Finland.

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