5 October 2023 to 28 June 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Spin-entanglement in hyperon decays

25 Jan 2024, 10:00
Room 207 (NCBJ)

Room 207


Pasteura 7


Nora Salone


Recent results published by the BESIII collaboration revealed a substantial update in the value of the Lambda baryon decay parameter.
This development is taken as the starting point for a feasibility study of CP violation tests in strange baryon decays at next-generation J/Psi factories. The proposed formalism allows for directly comparing particle and antiparticle properties, analyzing the weight of spin-correlation and polarization terms on such tests.
Furthermore, the spin-entanglement feature of the produced Yanti-Y pair can also be exploited to provide a description for hyperon semileptonic decays. The spin-density matrix of this process is presented, along with an outlook of the possible future applications.

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